Leadership Circles

At Firefly, we believe that a company’s greatest asset is its people. Even the best sales teams can lose their focus. Our Leadership Circles serve as a platform to elevate the voices of high performers and give them a platform to collaborate, connect, and spark positive change. We provide the forum, the tools, and guidance to drive productive discussions to identify and overcome the barriers affecting sales performance.

  • Elevate Voices:
    Identify and invite top-nominated leaders from cross-collaborative teams to form Leadership Circles

  • Leverage Knowledge & Tools:
    A 90-day accelerator that includes themed discussions, workshops, coaching, and presentations to help evolve your sales force

  • Spark Collaboration & Change:
    Open and honest discussions are moderated to drive the necessary change and develop success-driven behaviors from within

Did you know?


Rain Group

percent of sales reps struggle with gaining and keeping a buyer’s attention virtually.


Brevet Group

B2B Buyers now prefer digitally enabled sales interactions by a margin of 2:1.



percent ranked Employee Recognition as having the greatest impact on engagement.



The combination of training and coaching increase an employee’s productivity by 38%.


Let's create
a spark

Because Great Minds Think Differently.

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